Horsano acts like a personal assistant. It constantly watches over your horse, so you gain peace of mind.
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Belt with electronics- designed for long-term, non-invasive monitoring of your horse’s vital signs.
selected functions
Sensor system
Removable electronics
Comfortable for the horse
Made of high quality materials

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App- so you are in constant contact with your horse.
Selected functions
Insight into your horse’s current vital signs 24/7
Alerts to notify you when health risks are detected
I-Vet for quick contact with your vet
Intuitive planner, health reports, medical history

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I-VET- Enables quick consultation with a veterinarian, providing him/her with an overview of the horse’s vital parameters
Wybrane funkcjonalności
Ability to consult at the time of emergency
Remote consultation
Insight into the horse’s vital parameters
Faster diagnosis